Tri kripto-prikladne za početnike za ulaganje: Oryen, PancakeSwap i Uniswap

Entering the crypto market is certainly tough, but there are amazing benefits if you are willing to browse the options. Luckily, our analysts have picked out several promising options to help even the newest investor get started with their portfolio. Allow us to refer you to Oryen, PancakeSwap, and Uniswap.

Oryen mreža (ORY)

Oryen Network is a brand-new protocol with an innovative Buy-Hold-Earn feature that removes all the stress and confusion from passive income. Staking protocols and farming pools are confusing processes, but with Oryen Autostaking (OAT), you don’t have to worry about those complications. Just hold ORY. The rebase reward is paid directly to your wallet every 60 minutes at a rate of 0.177% daily.

If this project catches your interest, there is more good news – the ORY token is currently in the first pre-sale, which means the price is around $0.075, and you can get another 15 % bonus. This price is bound to go up to $0.10 very soon.

Zamjena palačinki (TORTA)

PancakeSwap is a fun and popular swap and staking platform that allows users to bet all the CAKE coins they have accumulated. When you place CAKE coins, you can choose to win more CAKE or other coins. Currently, PancakeSwap is the most popular Binance Smart Chain platform, which is just one of the reasons why CAKE is considered one of the best staking cryptocurrencies.

Zamjena (UNI)

The Uniswap decentralized exchange uses liquidity pools that users can join to provide liquidity. Each Uniswap liquidity pool is essentially a new pair of ERC-20 tokens. Uniswap runs on two smart contracts; contract “Exchange” and contract “Factory.” They are automated computer programs designed to perform specific functions when certain conditions are met. In this case, the factory smart contract adds new tokens to the platform. In contrast, the exchange contract facilitates all token exchanges or “exchanges.” Further, you can swap ERC20-based tokens for other tokens on the upgraded Uniswap v.2 platforms.

Final Thoughts

Staking coins on any PoS blockchain network is a great way to earn passive income and generate high returns. These investments carry little risk and can be profitable if you withdraw the rewards correctly. With this guide, you should have everything you need to start the staking process. ORY has also just hit the market, offering a unique opportunity to get involved in this exciting new project before the price hits the stars (or “moon” in crypto space).

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