Urbit koji podržava Thiel je Web3, čudan i divan. IDGAF Who Made It

Ali ja imati to, in order to minimize the risk of this piece disappearing into a black hole. And the fact that this thirsty, pathetic pandering is practically a job requirement for my profession, even if I can at least relegate it to the back end of the content management system (CMS), is symptomatic of a bigger problem with today’s internet – one that Urbit, commendably, aims to solve: the outsized power of the giant platforms.

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/layer2/2022/09/24/urbit-is-web3-weird-and-wonderful-and-i-dont-care-who-made-it/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines