SAD i saveznici zamrznuli 30 milijardi dolara sankcionisane ruske imovine, kaže DOJ


The U.S. and its allies have frozen more than 30 milijardi $ worth of sanctioned Russians’ funds and other financial assets since the invasion of Ukraine, the Department of Justice announced Wednesday, as countries continue to put economic pressure on Russia to end its invasion of Ukraine.

ključne činjenice

The Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs Task Force–made up of representatives from the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and the European Commission–has also blocked a combined $300 billion in Russian Central Bank funds from circulating, the DOJ said.

Those billion-dollar figures don’t include the personal possessions seized from sanctioned Russians, like swathes of luksuzna nekretnina, višestruko superjahte and other high-value assets, the agency said.

Those sanctions also prevent Russia from acquiring the technology and other goods that allow it to “sustain its unjust war in Ukraine,” according to the DOJ.

Economic sanctions will continue to “increase Russia’s cost of its war,” the agency said.

Ključna pozadina

The REPO Task Force pokrenut in March, shortly after the invasion began, with the aim of putting economic pressure on Russia to end the war in Ukraine. Hundreds of Russian oligarchs, officials and companies with ties to the Kremlin have been sanctioned, including dozens of billionaires. On Tuesday, the U.S. sanctioned an additional 70 Russian entities tied to the country’s defense, industrial, technology, and manufacturing sectors, along with 29 individuals. Uvoz ruskog zlata were also banned. On Monday, Russia kasnila sa otplatom svog spoljnog duga for the first time in more than a century, Moody’s said.

Daljnje čitanje

Rusija nije platila svoj vanjski dug kako ističe grejs period za otplatu, kaže Moody's (Forbes)

UK sankcionira rudarski magnat Vladimir Potanin—najbogatiji ruski oligarh (Forbes)
