ETH programeri su spremni da pokrenu Ropsten Merge test u naredna dva dana –

Ropsten, Ethereum’s oldest testnet, is about to migrate to proof of stake as one of the final tests before the main Ethereum blockchain merges. While the actual time of the Ropsten integration will vary based on a few factors, it is expected to take place on Wednesday, according to an official post from Ethereum.

Kako će se to dogoditi?

The planned merge will only occur if Ropsten’s proof-of-work version has passed predetermined criteria known as full terminal difficulty. This is set to an extremely high level of 50 quadrillions to prevent any malicious entity from interfering with the merge by accumulating hashrate artificially (which happened the first time this test was scheduled).

Because Ropsten is still a testnet, its hashrates are low. Therefore,  merge node operators will need to manually configure their clients to circumnavigate the Ropsten Terminal Total Difficulty (TTD) for their execution layer and consensus player clients. This is scheduled to be completed by the end of today.

Ropsten označava značajan razvoj Ethereuma

The Ropsten merging is one of several critical processes in ensuring that the client software used to run Ethereum nodes runs correctly and without issues throughout the event.

The main goal of the testnet merger is to put the Ethereum CoreNet merger into practice by the end of the year. Ethereum core engineers conducted merging tests in the past, including a shadow fork on the leading network and another on a testnet called Kiln.

This event will incorporate the code from the two Ropsten chains: one proof of work and the other a chain of proof of stake tags. This is the same procedure that the Ethereum mainnet will use eventually.

Očekuje se više tranzicija

Following the Ropsten transformation, two more testnets (Goerli and Sepolia) will be converted to proof-of-stake before directing attention to the mainnet. According to Eth’s official website, the Ether community can maintain and improve other testnets like Rinkeby and Kovan individually, as client developers will not have their concentration on them.

Ropsten Merge razlikuje se od prethodnih nadogradnji Ethereuma u dva glavna polja. Za početak, operatori čvorova moraju istovremeno ažurirati i svoje klijente konsenzusa i klijente izvršnog sloja, a ne samo jednog od ta dva. Drugo, nadogradnja se dešava u dvije faze: prva kada se dostigne visina slota na Beacon lancu i druga kada se dostigne vrijednost ukupne težine na sloju za izvršavanje.

ETH cijena akcija

The current price of Ethereum is $1,778.79, with a 24-hour trading volume of $20,074,572,055.

In the last week, the ETH Price Action Candlestick Set price has dropped by 10.80 percent. Over the previous 24 hours, the price has fallen by 5.33 percent. The price of ETH has historically beaten many traditional assets such as major stock and bond indices over the long run.

Despite the difficulty of predicting volatile cryptos, experts and enthusiasts are hopeful that the ETH price will increase by the end of 2022. Coinpedia predicts that it may hit either $6,500 or $7,500 price levels.
