Gdje kupiti Crypto Coin injektivnog protokola (INJ): Kompletan vodič 2022.

One of the biggest issues with decentralized exchanges is price and order manipulation. The Injective Protocol promises to eliminate these problems with its decentralized layer-2 platform for derivatives trading.

With Injective, users receive a decentralized trade execution coordinator and order book, preventing frontrunning on the exchange. The protocol leverages its layer-2 blockchain tech for compiling transfers on-chain through an EVM-compatible environment.

The Interjection protocol builds the EVM on the Cosmos-SDK, which is a side chain allowing scaling on the Ethereum Network.

This guide will take an indepth look at how the Injective platform works and where & how to buy the project’s native INJ token.

Where to Buy Injective INJ

This section is our top picks of where and how to buy the Injective INJ Crypto token. We chose these based on our experience of using them and considered fees, security, payment options and reputation.

  • Binance: Najveća kripto berza sa niskim naknadama
  • Coinbase: Vrlo cijenjen i jednostavan za korištenje za početnike
  • Kraken: Vrhunska platforma sa visokom likvidnošću
  • Kucoin: Dugo uspostavljena berza sa puno oglasa

Binance ReviewBinance: Renomirana berza sa visokom likvidnošću

Binance je najveća berza za trgovanje kriptovalutama u dnevnom obimu trgovine. Burza nudi investitorima potpuni pristup trgovini sa preko 600 kripto imovine.

Renomirana platforma također ima detaljnu krivulju učenja i napredne alate za trgovanje koji podržavaju iskusne trgovce i investitore koji žele naučiti kako kupiti različite kriptovalute. Iako Binance ima korisničko sučelje koje omogućava odlično korisničko iskustvo, više je pogodno za iskusne trgovce.

Pročitajte: Naš kompletan Binance pregled ovdje

Binance ima minimalni depozit od $10. Ovo omogućava investitorima da započnu svoj put ulaganja uz niske naknade. Investitori također mogu pokrenuti depozite putem besprijekornih metoda plaćanja kao što su bankovni transferi, kreditne/debitne kartice, peer-to-peer (P2P) plaćanja i druga rješenja e-novčanika.

Veb lokacija Binance
Veb lokacija Binance

Binance depoziti dolaze uz naknadu koja varira u zavisnosti od načina plaćanja koji se koristi. Na primjer, globalna mjenjačnica naplaćuje standardnu ​​naknadu do 4.50% za sve depozite napravljene debitnom/kreditnom karticom.

Svi investitori uživaju vrlo niske naknade kada trguju na Binance-u, jer naplaćuje standardnu ​​naknadu za trgovanje od 0.1%. Za investitore koji kupuju koristeći Binance token (BNB), primjenjivat će se popust od 25% na naknade za trgovanje.

Osim toga, investitori mogu biti sigurni da su njihova sredstva i podaci dobro zaštićeni kad god trguju na Binanceu. Broker ima vrhunske sigurnosne mjere kao što su dvofaktorska autentikacija (2FA), hladno skladište za čuvanje većine novčića, stavljanje na bijelu listu i napredno šifriranje podataka za zaštitu sredstava i podataka. Binance efikasno funkcioniše u preko 100 zemalja i ima regulisanu platformu (Binance.US) koja je namenjena trgovcima i investitorima sa sedištem u SAD.


  • Provizije za trgovanje od 0.01%
  • Visoka likvidnost
  • Širok spektar načina plaćanja
  • 600+ kripto imovine u biblioteci


  • Interfejs je pogodan za napredne trgovce
  • Klijenti sa sjedištem u SAD-u ne mogu trgovati većinom kovanica preko svoje podružnice

Coinbase ReviewCoinbase: Jednostavna i laka za korištenje razmjena

Coinbase je također odlična opcija za investitore koji traže kako da bez problema kupe kriptovalute. Platforma za kriptovalute sa sjedištem u SAD-u omogućava korisnicima da kupuju, prodaju i ulažu kriptovalute bez složenosti.

Coinbase integrira korisničko sučelje koje pojednostavljuje kripto trgovanje. Platforma za kripto trgovinu podržava više od 10,000 sredstava zasnovanih na blockchain-u.

Pročitajte: Naš kompletan Coinbase pregled ovdje

Proces registracije i verifikacije burze traje manje od 10 minuta. Za trgovce koji žele lako ulagati, Coinbase je odlična alternativa Binanceu.

Coinbase ima minimalni depozit od $2, trenutno najniži minimalni depozit na tržištu. Ova berza takođe nudi širok spektar metoda depozita kao što su automatizovana klirinška kuća (ACH), bankovni transfer, debitna kartica i rešenja za e-novčanik, kao i isplate u lokalnim valutama kao što su USD, GBP i EUR. Coinbase naplaćuje do 3.99% za depozite debitne kartice.

Web lokacija Coinbase
Web lokacija Coinbase

Investitori uživaju u povratu novca od 4% svaki put kada se Coinbase debitna kartica koristi za kupovinu kriptovaluta.

Za naknade, Coinbase naplaćuje konkurentnu naknadu od 0.5% – 4.5% ovisno o načinu plaćanja, vrsti kriptovalute i veličini transakcije.

Coinbase je evoluirao od tradicionalne burze do svestrane platforme sa odličnim uslugama posvećenim maloprodajnim i institucionalnim investitorima, kao što su ugrađeni novčanik za razmjenu, samoizdata visa kartica za povrat novca, ulaganje, derivati, čvorišta sredstava, poduhvati i još mnogo toga .

Nadalje, Coinbase ima ugrađene sigurnosne prakse kao što je 2FA verifikacija kao dodatni sigurnosni sloj za korisnička imena i lozinke investitora, osiguranje od kriminala koje štiti digitalnu imovinu od krađe i prijevare i još mnogo toga.

Također, Coinbase je licenciran od strane Komisije za vrijednosne papire i berze (SEC) i reguliran je od strane vrhunskih finansijskih vlasti kao što su Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network (FinCEN) i State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS).


  • Fokusiran na početnike
  • Licencirana i renomirana platforma
  • Osiguranje u slučaju hakova
  • Nizak minimalni depozit


  • Visoka naknada u odnosu na konkurente
  • Nema depozita na kreditnim karticama za američke klijente

Kraken ReviewKraken: Vrhunska kripto platforma sa visokom likvidnošću

Osnovana 2011, Kraken jedan je od najstarijih i najpopularnijih razmjene kriptovaluta trenutno u funkciji.

Burza je izgradila reputaciju sigurne destinacije za sve koji su zainteresirani za trgovanje kriptovalutama, a također je popularan izbor i za trgovce i za institucije na raznim lokacijama.

Pročitajte: Naš kompletan Kraken pregled ovdje

Kraken zadržava međunarodnu privlačnost i pruža efikasne mogućnosti trgovanja u brojnim fiat valutama. Kraken je takođe trenutni svetski lider u pogledu obima trgovine bitkoinima i eurima.

Kraken Homepage
Kraken Homepage

Kraken je najpoznatiji po svojim Bitcoin i Ethereum tržištima za gotovinu (EUR i USD); međutim na platformi se može trgovati širokim spektrom fiat i kriptovaluta


  • Namjenski servis za institucije
  • Odlično za početnike za korištenje
  • Visoka likvidnost trgovanja


  • Dug proces verifikacije lične karte

KuCoin: Razmjena s puno oglasa

KuCoin je jedna od najstarijih i najpopularnijih kripto berzi na svetu. Broker sa sjedištem na Sejšelima jedno je od najistaknutijih imena na tržištu za trgovce koji žele pristup derivatima kako bi špekulirali na tržištu.

Trenutno, KuCoin omogućava pristup preko 600 kriptovaluta. Osim trgovanja i ulaganja, burza omogućava investitorima da štede, ulože kriptovalute, pa čak i učestvuju u početnim ponudama razmjene. Uz KuCoin, investitori imaju sveobuhvatno kripto čvorište.

Pročitajte: Naš kompletan Kucoin pregled ovdje

Kao i mnogi brokeri u svojoj klasi, KuCoin bi mogao izgledati previše za početnike. Razmjena je pogodnija za napredne trgovce koji žele špekulirati i trgovati sofisticiranim proizvodima. Tako da bi početnici mogli imati nekih poteškoća da ga koriste.

Uprkos tome, investitori bi mogli dobiti mnoge prednosti od trgovanja KuCoinom. Broker ima nizak minimalni saldo od 5 USD, sa depozitima dostupnim putem glavnih fiat valuta, peer-to-peer (P2P) transfera i nekoliko opcija kreditnih kartica.

Kucoin početna stranica
Kucoin početna stranica

Što se tiče naknada za trgovanje, KuCoin korisnici plaćaju 0.1% naknade. Ali naknade bi se mogle smanjiti na osnovu investitorovog 30-dnevnog obima trgovanja i vlasništva nad tokenom KCS kompanije.

Sigurnost na KuCoin-u je također impresivna. Sistem koristi enkripciju na nivou banke i sigurnosnu infrastrukturu za zaštitu kovanica i podataka korisnika. KuCoin takođe ima specijalizovano odeljenje za kontrolu rizika za sprovođenje strogih politika korišćenja podataka.


  • Dostupni su popusti na naknade za trgovanje
  • Opsežne funkcionalnosti zalaganja
  • Brzi P2P sistem trgovanja
  • Dostupno je anonimno trgovanje
  • Nizak minimalni saldo


Injective Protocol Derivative Dex

There are dozens of blockchain projects launched every week. However, establishing the testnet for Injektivni protokol created waves in the blockchain development community. The project can potentially change the digital landscape for crypto trading on decentralized exchanges.

Injektivni protokol

The Injective Protocol emerged in a whitepaper released in December 2018. It consists of a development team experienced in implementing large-scale blockchain and tech projects. Understandably, the industry seems excited about what the Injective Protocol can bring to the space.

The Injective Protocol is a decentralized derivatives exchange (DEX). The project aims to bridge differences in decentralized and centralized exchanges while including the booming decentralized finance ecosystem.

Injective is an open interoperable smart contracts platform optimized for decentralized finance applications.
Injective is an open interoperable smart contracts platform optimized for decentralized finance applications.

In the past, a DEX represents a logical solution to the regulatory and security issues affecting CEXs. However, it’s important to note that DEXs have several obstacles to making them efficient and effective. One of the core problems with current DEX systems is an inability to provide the same levels of liquidity and convenience supplied by CEX.

Despite the DEX providing the true spirit of the blockchain and crypto movement, these core issues with the system hindered its adoption in the market. The DEX hopes to bring its enhanced functionality to the DeFi sector, providing the same kind of liquidity similar to a CEX.

Let’s take a deep dive into the design of the Injective Protocol to understand what makes the DEX a revolution in the DeFi space.

Decentralized Exchanges Explained

When we discuss crypto exchanges, we can separate them into centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). A centralized exchange is a system like Coinbase and Binance. These protocols host the private keys of digital assets traded on the platform.

Decentralized exchanges, like Uniswap, do not host digital assets’ private keys. They remain in the custody of the owners, not the platform. The core selling point of a centralized exchange is its user-friendly operation, making it easy for platform users to buy and sell assets without any issues.

The CEX is a great way to increase cryptocurrency adoption by bringing new users into the system, but they present a range of problems to the user. The DEX attempts to resolve these issues. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘not your keys, not your coins.’ It’s a popular meme on Reddit and other message boards.

The phrase means that the person holding the digital assets’ private keys is its rightful owner. This is a big issue with CEX platforms. To use the CEX, you have to give them your private keys, essentially giving up ownership of your assets.

Injective Protocol Features

The Injective Protocol is a completely universal DeFi protocol enabling cross-chain trading of derivatives across several financial products like spot trading, perpetual swaps, and futures. The Injective Chain implements itself as a Cosmos SDK module, built on Ethermint.

The protocol uses a Tendermint-based Proof-of-Stake (POS) consensus protocol for facilitating cross-chain trading of derivatives across the Ethereum, Cosmos, and other layer-1 protocols. The Injective Protocol utilizes the Verifiable Delay Function (VDF), making it collision resistant and able to prevent order frontrunning.

Injective Protocol Features
Injective Protocol Features

The native token running the Injective Protocol is INJ. The token has a range of functions on the platform, such as protocol governance, derivative collateralization, staking, liquidity mining, and exchange fee value capturing.

With the Injective platform, users can contribute and implement decentralized cross-chain derivatives trading without paying gas fees. Users get access to cross-chain yield generation for several digital assets.

Users can create and trade derivative markets with a price feed, opening more opportunities for trading on markets not available on other CEXs.

Injective Protocol Improves DEX User Functionality

Recent versions of DEX protocols apply innovation to move them in the direction of being as decentralized as possible. The Injective Protocol is an example, with the project utilized as a stepping stone to creating a platform that’s diverse and flexible.

The Injective Protocol promises users improved liquidity, more market diversity, faster order execution, and zero gas fees for trading. These features of the Injective Protocol make it the first truly decentralized exchange.

The Advantages of the Injective Exchange

We can expect the Injective Protocol to change the face of decentralized finance thanks to the innovations and improvements it brings to the DeFi market. The infrastructure in the Injective Chain enables it to host several DeFi applications (Dapps), including the order execution on the platform.

The Injection Protocol provides seamless functionality in order execution. Users also get superior order matching technology and a decentralized order book, making frontrunning of orders by high-frequency systems impossible.

When forming these systems into a single protocol, these dApps create a peer-to-peer decentralized exchange. While this isn’t exactly a new technology, the tools added to the ecosystem distinguish the characteristics and features of the Injective Protocol, distinguishing it from other DEX platforms.

The Injective Hub
The Injective Hub

The Injection Protocol relies on its consensus system built on the Tendermint-based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol, assisting with cross-chain trading of derivatives the Ethereum, Cosmos, and similar layer-1 protocols. The design allows for effective staking, delegating, and earning rewards.

The Injective Exchange is open-source software, allowing for comprehensive protocol auditing to remove vulnerabilities and bugs. The highly flexible infrastructure of the exchange eliminates the typical barriers to entry experienced by other DEXs.

Since exchange users can create and trade any market that offers a price feed, users can access markets through the protocol that isn’t available on the exchanges.

Core products available on the testnet for the Injective Protocol are validated and tested by the largest institutional market makers, traders, and investment funds utilizing the blockchain. As a result of this design, the team experienced no hitches when launching the mainnet in 2021.

How Does the Injective Protocol Work?

The Injective chain provides the backbone for the DEX. It plays a vital role in ensuring the functionality of all four elements of the Injective Protocol. The chain bridges the gap in order books. The 0x-based order books utilized on the exchange provide the platform for full decentralization and assist with optimizing transaction efficiency.

This protocol is possible because orders enable a side-chain relay with settlement completed on-chain. The order book also hosts censorship-resistant INJ nodes, adding to its decentralized nature. The Trade Execution Coordinator (TEC) removes the possibility of frontrunning the order book.

Frontrunning is the practice that high-frequency algorithmic traders use to monitor the order book and place orders in front of others, executing them for arbitrage purposes. As a result, the average trader receives slippage on their trade execution, or partial or no fill, depending on the order type they use.

Injective for Developers
Injective for Developers

Institutional traders claim this practice adds liquidity to the market, while traders claim it’s nothing more than stealing from orders because they have a technological advantage. For instance, many stock trading firms use a ‘Payment for Order Flow’ model where they don’t charge the trader any commissions on trades.

However, in this model, the trader ends up paying for it through more slippage and no-fills or partial fills. Many traders claim this practice is unethical, while others don’t care, as long as they don’t have to pay commissions.

The Injective Protocol utilizes verifiable delay, acting as a ‘speed bump’ ensuring new orders don’t get filled ahead of existing orders. The Bi-directional Token Bridge allows the transfer of ERC-20 tokens on the INJ chain. The bridge created in the Cosmos network is known as the “peg zone.”

These peg zones feature account-based blockchain bridges between zones in the Cosmos ecosystem and exterior blockchains, such as Ethereum, in this case. The Peg Zone Injective operates in the following stages from an Ethereum address.

  • Via the INJ Peg zone smart contract.
  • Via the relay to the ETH bridge modules.
  • Via an oracle to the Banking Module on the Cosmos address.
  • The procedure reverses in Cosmos to Ethereum trades.

The EVM Execution Environment functionality enables the execution of Ethereum smart contracts while utilizing the Injective Chain. This structure allows developers to create dApps through the Ethereum network. However, the protocol offers a scalable environment using a Proof of Stake consensus model.

The dApp development process offers a similar approach when using the Injective EVM. This protocol provides additional benefits like improved smart contract byte code size limits. The smart contracts functionality performed in the EVM environment include the following.

  • Trade Execution Coordinators.
  • Bi-directional token bridges.
  • Staking.
  • Futures contracts trading.
  • ERC20 contracts.

INJ Tokenomics

The INJ token is the dedicated crypto token of the Injective Protocol. The INJ token serves several functions, bringing real utility to the platform. Its core purpose is to act as the governance token for regulating and managing the Injective Protocol.

The INJ token offers holders governance rights to propose changes to the protocol and vote on implementing these changes. The second use of the INJ token is to act as collateral for loans. It works like a stablecoin, providing collateral in DeFi applications where users can end INJ tokens as a margin in derivative markets created on the DEX.

The INJ tokens may also provide insurance pool staking or collateral to generate passive income through interest generated on loans. The token may also act as an incentive for operators of relay nodes and market makers.

Injective Staking
Injective Staking

The platform operates through a model, with market makers paying 0.1% exchange fees while takers pay a 0.2% commission. This structure allows market makers to maintain a net positive payment model in their rebates, which, in turn, incentivizes the provisioning of liquidity on the DEX.

After creating liquidity, markets enjoy tighter spreads on asset pairs while providing excellent market depth for traders. On top, the validators and nodes can improve their interface and API catering to trades while being rewarded for the transaction and providing liquidity to the market.

The protocol uses the remaining fees to buy back INJ tokens, burning them to create a deflationary ecosystem. This model adds further value to the remaining circulating supply of INJ tokens by creating scarcity. A portion of the INJ tokens available undergoes distribution to users of the DEX based on the notional profits accumulated.

Users with the largest amount of notional profits receive the most benefit from the protocol and the biggest INJ rewards. This system rewards those users who utilize the platform frequently. The protocol calculates these rewards based on daily snapshots.

INJ – Mainnet Launch

The Injective Protocol launched its mainnet in November 2021. The team released a $120 million incentive pool alongside the mainnet launch, ‘Injective Astro’ assists with promoting liquidity on the exchange and encourages higher trading volumes.

To help put this in perspective, $120 Million makes the Injective Astro program the largest liquidity incentive program in the DEX space and the Cosmos ecosystem. The mainnet and Astro incentive program launch follows the Injective Bridge, supporting seamless Ethereum and Cosmos-based token transfers.

The Injective protocol touts fast withdrawal times to Ethereum in under ten minutes. That’s far faster than other layer-2 solutions that take up to a week to process transactions. Eric Chen from the INJ team states the following surrounding the Injective protocol.

Some large funds & Institutions back Injective
Some large funds & Institutions back Injective

“Our mission at Injective has always been to build the most powerful cross-chain protocol for completely decentralized derivatives trading. As Injective interconnects new chains, the ecosystem will continue to serve as a DeFi gateway for trading across the multi-chain universe.

Injective’s Ethereum-native tooling allows users to create and trade new cross-chain markets without the typical roadblocks associated with making transactions across distinct blockchain networks.”

Binance Labs chose the Injective protocol as one of the first projects to benefit from its incubator program. The company raised $10 million in an investment seeding round from Pantera Capital and Mark Cuban.

How to Buy INJ Token on Binance

Nakon što istražite gdje kupiti i slučajeve upotrebe novčića, sljedeća stvar je istražiti kako ga kupiti za svoj portfelj. Binance je naša preporučena razmjena, pa ćemo istražiti kako kupiti sredstvo koristeći Binance.

Korak 1: Prijavite se

Idite na Binance početna stranica i kliknite na “Registracija”.

Binance prijava
Binance prijava

Binance omogućava investitorima da se registruju koristeći svoj mobilni telefon, adresu e-pošte ili Google nalog. Većina korisnika bira prve dvije opcije i navede svoje brojeve telefona, e-mailove i željene lozinke. Veza će biti poslana na njihov odabrani kanal za registraciju, a investitori mogu kliknuti na njega kako bi potvrdili autentičnost svojih računa.

Korak 2: Potvrdite svoj identitet

Kao i mnogi drugi regulirani brokeri, Binance zahtijeva od investitora da potvrde svoj identitet prije nego što započnu kupovinu.

Da biste dovršili proces, posjetite karticu "Identifikacija". Investitori će morati podijeliti lične podatke, svoj dokaz o prebivalištu i način identifikacije koji je provela vlada. Ovaj proces ne bi trebao trajati više od nekoliko minuta.

Korak 3: Položite svoja sredstva

Zatim će investitori morati da polažu u svoje Binance novčanike. Razmjena omogućava depozite pomoću procesora plaćanja, bankovnih transfera, bankovnih depozita i direktnih kripto transfera. A njegov minimalni depozit je 10 USD.

Depozit na Binance
Depozit na Binance

Za uplatu idite na odjeljak „Plaćanje“ i kliknite na „Dodaj novi način plaćanja“ da unesete detalje plaćanja. Alternativno, investitori mogu kliknuti na dugme "Kupi kripto" da odaberu način plaćanja i završe svoj transfer.

Korak 4: Kupite

Uz novčani novčanik, investitori su spremni da izvrše vašu kupovinu. Idite na odjeljak "Kupite kripto" i unesite željeni iznos. Kliknite na “Nastavi” nakon pregleda uslova, a novčanik bi trebao biti ažuriran odmah.
