Članovi američkog Kongresa stali su na put FTX istrazi SEC-a – crypto.news

Pojavili su se izvještaji da je grupa članova američkog Kongresa pokušala usporiti istragu Komisije za vrijednosne papire o FTX-u. Komisija je ranije ove godine tražila informacije o aktivnostima berze FTX, ali je grupa od osam članova Kongresa napisala pismo SEC marta u pokušaju da ublaži istragu.

Dvostranačka zaštita kripto firmi

The letter written in March was a bipartisan one jointly written by four Republican and four Democratic members. It questioned what authority the SEC had to launch an informal investigation into blockchain and crypto companies. The letter also stated that the request was against Federal laws.

Pismo je vodio poslanik Tom Emmer koji je upravo postao bič republikanske većine i osoba broj tri u vodstvu poslaničkog kluba GOP-a u Predstavničkom domu. Emmer je na svojoj Twitter stranici napisao da je njegova kancelarija primila mnogo pritužbi od blockchain i kripto kompanija na zahtjev za informacijama SEC-a. Ti zahtjevi su, prema tvrdnjama kompanija, opterećujući i ne izgledaju dobrovoljni, dok guše inovacije, napisao je.

Sada je, međutim, to otkriveno FTX was one of those companies that received information requests from the Commission. Those requests sought to know about the same events that eventually brought the company down. pitanja have now been raised on if Emmer and the other members of Congress who wrote the letter acted on behalf of FTX to chill investigative proceedings from a regulatory agency.

Neki članovi osmorice kongres letter-writers were revealed to have benefited from crypto donations. Five of them received campaign funds ranging from $2,900 to $11,600 from FTX employees. One of them, Rep Ted Budd, received the support of $500,000 from a Super PAC created by Ryan Salame, the company’s co-founder.

Donacije za kampanju za zaštitu?

Još važnije je to što je Emmer u to vrijeme vodio Nacionalni republikanski kongresni komitet. Radilo se o predizbornom krilu republikanaca u Domu. Vodeći fond NRCC-a dobio je 2.75 miliona dolara od kripto berze ove godine. Od toga je 2 miliona dolara bilo od Salame u septembru, dok je 750,000 dolara bilo od FTX-ovog odbora za političku akciju.

That fund contributed to the victory of Republicans during the mid-term elections. Although FTX was tagged a Democrat-affiliated company, it donated campaign funds to both US political parties quite evenly.

SEC u ovom trenutku tek treba da odgovori na upite medija. Šest od osam članova Kongresa također nije odgovorilo. 

Rep Emmer spoke through a spokesperson that they did not try to obstruct the SEC’s investigation nor exchange information with FTX. They were only concerned with the Commission’s approach. 

Izvor: https://crypto.news/us-congress-members-stood-in-the-way-of-the-secs-ftx-inquiry/