Preko 12,000 brazilskih kompanija izjavljuje da drže kripto, bikovske za pohranu tokena vrijednosti poput

Cryptocurrencies are finding wider adoption in South America, with Brazil becoming a hub for digital asset trading. Multiple exchanges are now prominent in the country, including the world’s biggest, Binance. The natural progression of this uptake in cryptocurrencies as investments is spilling over into institutional uptake. Over 12,000 companies in Brazil declared crypto in their August financial declarations, making a new all-time high for companies holding these digital currencies.

With inflation high in many South American countries, the trust in government-managed fiat currency is low, giving Brazil one of the highest cryptocurrency trust levels in the world from the general public.

With many people looking for alternative ways to store their wealth digitally, finding suitable products for that purpose may be difficult. Most of the declared companies show majority ownership of Bitcoin, but alternatives will be hitting the markets soon that will be able to fight against the price downside that pressure economic factors can induce. Many large financial firms in the country have begun offering cryptocurrency services recently, and this is only the beginning of what is likely to become a wave of new investors.

Uniglo could be one such new way of protecting your money against a reduction in value. The signature Ultra Burn system from the Uniglo team will continuously and permanently remove GLO tokens from circulation, resulting in a deflationary system that will likely result in positive price action.

Backed by a vault of investments, including real-world tokenized assets, which usually find good grounding in a bearish market trend, GLO will have what many cryptocurrencies do not: an associated value.

Already being noticed by crypto communities worldwide, Brazil would be the perfect target market for the team after its launch. In the third phase of the presale, the remaining tokens are dwindling after capital influx to the ICO has reached new highs. Finding a safe haven against the financial inadequacies of governments is something that Uniglo may provide to the many that have been looking for this safety.

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