Kako pejzaž zapošljavanja kriptovaluta reaguje na otpuštanja u industriji

Epizoda 119 4. sezone serije The Scoop je snimljen uživo sa The Block’s Frank Chaparro, and Rob Paone, Founder and CEO of Proof of Talent.

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As the crypto market struggles to gain its footing in the wake of Smrt FTX-a, sweeping layoffs have thinned the ranks of many companies.

In this episode of The Scoop, Rob Paone, founder and CEO of crypto recruiting firm Proof of Talent, shares his perspective on how the crypto hiring landscape has changed during the bear market.

According to Paone, the current dynamic between job seekers and prospective employers is much more balanced than it was last year:

“It’s not 100% a company market right now… but it is a lot more equal than six to twelve months ago — it was a totally candidate-driven market of individuals naming their price and going wherever they wanted with multiple offers.”

Paone says that candidates with technical skills should still be able to find plenty of opportunities: 

“The easiest transition for a lot of people is technical roles — there is a huge demand still for engineering talent…the non-technical roles can get a little bit more challenging.”

During this episode Chaparro and Paone also discuss:

  • Advice for people looking for their first job in crypto
  • How to negotiate compensation packages involving tokens
  • The correlation between crypto companies and remote work

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Source: https://www.theblock.co/post/190744/how-the-crypto-hiring-landscape-is-responding-to-industry-layoffs?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss