Profit koji će promijeniti život uz Oryen Network (ORY), Synthetix (SNX), ApeCoin (APE) i Bitcoin (BTC) koji se očekuje 2023.

Historically those buying in a bearish market have created the best returns in the years afterward. Following that trend would mean now is the time to pick out the cream of the crop for ensuring your financial future. Here is a shortlist of some best picks of the most likely to build life-changing profits.

Oryen mreža (ORY)

Our number one pick is Oryen Network which is currently in its first presale phase. The Oryen team commits to delivering a fixed return of 90% APY without the need to lock or stake. Holding $ORY allows your yield to be dropped to your wallet every 60 minutes based on your token amount. This has a compounding effect as distribution is every 60 minutes, significantly boosting your profits.

With multiple ways of backing the token price to ensure price floor stability, alongside historical evidence of ICO buyers usually returning the largest profits of all investment types, this is likely to be a sure hit for those seeking multiplication of wealth.

Synthetix (SNX)

Synthetix is a platform that allows the trading of Synthetic stocks on blockchain. Given the high likelihood of being close to the bottom of the bear market after analyzing current conditions, when a bullish trend returns the protocols that allow for trading will no doubt return to much higher volume.

ApeCoin (APE)

As the main governance token of the APE ecosystem, which includes the legendary Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT set, APE launched to a frenzy of buyers. The macroeconomic trends still managed to take an effect however with APE trading at a relatively low price compared to the first few months after genesis. Buying now will likely set you up for a great run in a bullish market.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Known as the ‘King of Crypto,’ Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency that started the whole asset class. With many analysts still bullish for the long term, Bitcoin has proven it will stay at the top of the crypto market cap list for years to come with investor wealth being multiplied every bullish cycle and no sign of stopping. 


This hit list of cryptocurrency will all likely perform well, but those wishing to gain on both price action and yield returns will favor Oryen Network standing out as ‘Most Likely To Change Lives.’

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