Bitcoin zauzima središnje mjesto kao mehanizam zaštite, uz podršku Roberta Kiyosakija

Bitcoin (BTC) has once again found a vocal advocate in Robert Kiyosaki, the renowned author of the best-selling book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” amidst the tumultuous state of the market. Kiyosaki continues to emphasize the importance of Bitcoin and precious metals.

In a recent tweet, he expressed his unfiltered opinion, predicting a grim future for the real estate sector and the potentially catastrophic repercussions it may have on the global financial landscape.

With his extensive experience and expertise in financial matters, Kiyosaki’s words carry significant weight and have garnered the attention of investors and individuals seeking insights into the current economic climate.


Robert Kiyosaki. Slika: srednja

Financial Guru Predicts A Severe Economic Downturn In 2023

U svom tvitu, Kiyosaki daje oštro upozorenje, savjetujući pojedince da razmotre alternativne načine očuvanja svog bogatstva u ovim izazovnim vremenima. On posebno ističe zlato, srebro i bitkoin (BTC) kao najbolje skladišta vrijednosti za zaštitu imovine usred predstojećih ekonomskih previranja.

Pozivajući se na predstojeću krizu kao „Najveći pad nekretnina ikada”, Kiyosaki povlači upečatljivu paralelu između globalne finansijske krize 2008. i predstojećeg ekonomskog pada. On tvrdi da će veličina nadolazećeg kraha umanjiti uticaj krize iz 2008. godine. 

Ukupna tržišna kapitalizacija Bitcoin (BTC) trenutno iznosi 513 milijarde dolara na dnevnom grafikonu na

The book author further illustrates this point by citing the drastic decline in value experienced by office towers in San Francisco. In just a few years, these buildings have reportedly lost a staggering 70% of their value, raising questions about the future utility of such properties. He suggests that repurposing these buildings as homes for the homeless might be a potential solution.

Continued Support By Kiyosaki For Bitcoin Amidst Market Volatility

Kiyosaki has a history of delivering stark warnings and promoting the merits of Bitcoin. In April, he took to Twitter to express his belief that Bitcoin would continue to appreciate, stating that he “bets Bitcoin will keep going up.” This statement came as Bitcoin had already experienced a significant increase in value, soaring by 100% from its 2022 low of approximately $15,500 to a high of $31,000 in 2023.

The financial guru’s decision to invest in Bitcoin and precious metals stems from his deep-seated skepticism towards institutions such as the United States Federal Reserve, the US Treasury Department, and President Joe Biden. He views these entities with a lack of trust, which has influenced his inclination to seek alternative investment options to safeguard his wealth.

Izvor: Coingecko

Prema najnovijim podacima iz CoinGecko, Bitcoin is currently priced at $26,504. Over the past 24 hours, the alpha coin has witnessed a modest rally, experiencing a 0.3% increase in value. However, in the previous seven days, Bitcoin lost 2.2% of its value.

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