Poteškoće u rudarenju Bitcoina dostigle su najviši nivo svih vremena, rudari su pod pritiskom

Post Poteškoće u rudarenju Bitcoina dostigle su najviši nivo svih vremena, rudari su pod pritiskom prvo se pojavio Coinpedia Fintech vijesti

The difficulty indicator increased by 13.55% since the last adjustment around two weeks ago, the greatest increase since May 2021.

As per the data collected from btc.com, the current difficulty adjustment is in, and it now takes 35.6 trillion hashes to generate one bitcoin (BTC), up a massive 13.55% from the previous estimate.

The network rate now stands at 257 million TH/s (terra hashes per second), a huge increase over the 140 million TH/s it had at this time last year. 

For bitcoin miners, who are already struggling due to low bitcoin prices and rising energy costs, a rising difficulty presents an even grimmer picture.

Source: https://coinpedia.org/crypto-live-news/bitcoin-mining-difficulty-reached-an-all-time-high-miners-are-under-pressure/