Vodeći argentinski predsjednički kandidat propovijeda Bitcoin

The South American country of Argentina will elect a new president in October 2023, and there is a real chance that a pro-Bitcoin candidate will be elected as the new head of state. The candidate in question is Javier Gerardo Milei, who is currently a federal deputy from Buenos Aires and has been compared by many to former U.S. President Donald Trump and departing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Milei, who is currently running for Argentina’s 2023 presidential election, can be classified as a die-hard Bitcoiner who preaches the Austrijska škola ekonomske misli i sebe naziva “anarhokapitalistom”. U prethodnim intervjuima, rekao je da želi da "razbije dupe kejnzijance i kolektiviste" i da izvlači svoju mjesečnu platu kako bi se suprotstavio vladi za koju vjeruje da "krade" obične argentinske građane.

Bitcoin Is The Answer To Central Banks

In a recent interview, Milei was asked if he believes it is possible to discuss Bitcoin as a means of payment in Argentina. And the presidential candidate Isporučeno odgovor koji je mogao dati Satoshi Nakamoto ponosan. Milei je rekao da je suštinski problem koji ljudi prvo moraju shvatiti da je „Centralna banka prevara. To je mehanizam kojim političari varaju dobre ljude inflatornim porezom.”

Milei went on to say Bitcoin is “representing the return of money to its original creator: the private sector. Money is a private invention.” According to the Argentine politician, legal tenders are the key “to the politician to scam you with the inflationary tax. Bitcoin has an algorithm that one day it will reach a certain amount and there is no more and it can compete with other currencies.”

Bitcoin proponent Javier Gerardo Milei
Javier Gerardo Milei

Milei je pojačao svoju tezu i nastavio da je problem u tome što vlade i centralne banke ne žele da odustanu od zakonitog plaćanja jer „mogu da prevare [narod] inflatornim porezom“, i zaključio: 

Bitcoin is the natural reaction against the Central Bank scammers and to make money private again. […] In economies with high inflation, the scam problem is bigger. That’s why, as I suggest, you can propose to close the Central Bank.

Koliko je vjerojatan uspon argentinskog Bukelea?

Milei će vjerovatno voditi koaliciju La Libertad Avanza i ima podršku 24% ispitanika, prema izvještaju iz oktobra 2022. anketa od AmericaElects.

Zanimljivo je da je anketa obavljena prije nego što je jedna od Mileinih najvećih političkih rivala, aktuelna potpredsjednica Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, povukla svoju kandidaturu. Sud ju je u decembru osudio na šest godina zatvora zbog korupcije, što joj takođe zabranjuje buduće političke funkcije. Sa njenim odlaskom, Mileina relativna prednost bi vjerovatno mogla rasti.

But as the coalitions have not officially announced their candidates, the outlines of Argentina’s election are unclear at the moment. Bitcoin supporters, however, can hope for a promising candidate who could possibly follow the example of Predsjednik El Salvadora Nayib Bukele.

At press time, Bitcoin traded at $16,844, seeing a slight uptick of 0,85% in the last 24 hours.

Bitcoin cijena
Cijena Bitcoina, 4-satni grafikon

Istaknuta slika od Angelice Reyes/ Unsplash i Perfil, grafikon sa TradingView.com

Source: https://bitcoinist.com/argentina-presidential-candidate-preaches-bitcoin/